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Scaphoid Wrist Fracture

Scaphoid Wrist Fracture

Scaphoid fractures are usually difficult to identify. The scaphoid is relatively smaller than other bones of the hand, so the fracture may not be visible. The scaphoid area may not seem swollen, and one won’t always feel severe pain. As a result, people often ignore a scaphoid fracture, confuse it with a sprained wrist and […]

Take Care This Holiday Season to Avoid a Hand Injury

hand injury this holiday season

Need a hand this holiday season? Our hands and wrists perform countless holiday tasks that are often taken for granted until function is impaired. Did you know that the hand is comprised of more than 120 ligaments, 27 bones, 29 joints, and a network of delicate nerves? Hand and wrist injuries are common during the […]

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