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Urgent Ortho Care

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Experiencing upper extremity dysfunction after injury, cumulative trauma, or surgery? This time can feel full of uncertainties. One thing you can count on is the occupational therapy staff at Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence to help your recovery go as smoothly and quickly as possible. Our occupational therapists specializing in upper extremity rehabilitation work with injuries and conditions that require surgical operation as well as those that do not, and will work with you to overcome barriers for return to daily activities that you need and want to do in life.

Some of the most common conditions we work with include:

Our occupational therapists will work closely with you and your board-certified orthopedic specialist to develop a personalized treatment plan. Your goal-oriented plan will work to optimize and restore function through a variety of therapy techniques for return to participation in any area of occupation you are currently experiencing difficulty with including daily activities such as getting dressed and handwriting, as well as household chores, work, caregiving, and leisure activities such as golf, knitting, or sports participation.

If you’re looking for the very best care after an upper extremity injury to help get you back to your daily activities quickly and safely, please request an appointment online or call us today at (719) 623-1795.

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